
How Does it Work?

The CAL Wealth Planner helps you allocate your investment across different financial asset classes based on your risk profile and appetite, using a proprietary algorthim.

Based on the information you provide, a plan on how to allocate your investment across 3 key mutual funds will be suggested as per the algorithm proprietary to CAL.

This will provide varying exposure to instruments such as listed shares on the CSE (QF), Sri Lankan government securities, government securities back repos, fixed deposits, corporate debt of Sri Lankan banks, finance companies and others. More details are available on the links to the right.

Did You Know?

CAL’s Superior Standing as a Top-Rated Investment Bank Ensures the Safety of Your Investment

Frequently Asked Questions

A unit trust is a pooled fund (contributions made by several investors) with common investment objectives. These pooled funds are then invested in a diversified portfolio of financial instruments such as bank and finance company deposits, corporate debt, shares, government securities etc. in order to earn a return.

The investors are allocated units in exchange for the funds they’ve invested and the return made by the pooled fund are allocated to these unit holders according to the number of units they own.

This decision solely depends on your risk appetite and at which stage you are in your personal financial cycle. The stock market is an investment opportunity for investors with high-risk appetite. Whereas fixed income unit trusts are in the low to medium risk spectrum offering above average returns for similar instruments across the financial market platform. It’s better option to earn superior returns with wealth preservation.

The rule of thumb in investing always calls for investors to diversify their investments in different asset classes.

There are no exit fees associated with withdrawing from this fund.

When investing in a Quantitative Equity Fund, transactions are associated with unit buying and selling prices aligned with the transaction date. This arises due to the fund’s investment in listed stocks, resulting in heightened fund volatility and increased risk exposure.

QEF represents an open-ended equity fund that directs investments towards shares listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange. This fund is specifically geared towards investors capable of shouldering high risk, thus being susceptible to both positive and negative returns contingent upon the stock market’s performance.

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