Do you have any detailed questions about unit trust funds, equities or treasuries and can’t find the answers you are looking for?

Why don’t you explore CAL GPT, our very own AI powered suite of chatbots to help you learn the details about the different asset classes, and get personalized answers for your queries.  

With CAL GPT, we are helping democratize the knowledge of investing to help grow your wealth with confidence.

With the power of GPT, you can now get insights into our chief Strategist, Udeeshan Jonas’ presentation on Investing in 2024. Learn about the state of interest rates, what investment and alternatives to consider along with efficient tax management.

Industry insights to empower your decisions

You can now also get insights into our panel discussions hosted by our Head of Research, Trisha Peries. Experts from Hemas and Fonterra share their views on what trends will shape the future of their industries, and with the power of AI you can harness their combined expertise with the click of a button.

Why Choose CAL to Grow Your Wealth?

We’re a top-rated, licensed Primary Dealer offering some of the most competitive Treasury Bill interest rates in Sri Lanka and stellar service.