
Why invest in the Quantitative Equity Fund

The following graph portrays the performance of the CAL Quantitative Equity Fund (QEF) as compared to the All Share Price Index (ASPI)

The graph takes the QEF unit price, aligns it with ASPI as a reference point from two years ago, and then indexes all values to 100 based on this alignment.

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The CAL Quant fund is an open-ended equity fund, investing in listed shares of the Colombo Stock Exchange, government securities and government securities backed repos. The Fund aims to achieve capital growth on a medium to long term basis by investing in a diversified portfolio of government securities and stocks of stable companies with a proven track record.

Fees charged to the Fund
Management Fee 1.5%p.a. of the NAV
Outperformance Fee 10% of any excess percentage earned above the performance of the ASPI over a 1 year period
Trustee Fee 0.20% per annum of NAV plus the applicable Government tax
Custodian fees Rs. 20,000/- per month plus the applicable Government tax

Frequently Asked Questions

Equity funds invest in a diversified portfolio of securities to generate capital appreciation over the long term. Equity Unit trust funds have designated fund managers who actively manage the scheme’s portfolio and ensure that the equity fund is able to outperform its underlying benchmark. Fund managers along with a team of analysts and market researchers carefully study the performance of various companies and invest in stocks that have growth potential.

We’ve included below a few considerations a potential unit trust fund investor should make when investing in unit trusts.

  •  The fund is approved by the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC).
  •  The past performance is not a definitive indication of future performance.
  •  Investors are advised to read and understand the contents of the Key Investor Information Document before investing.
  •  The suitability of the investment is based on the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of individual investors and suitability should be assessed by the Investor.

The fund can invest a maximum of 97% of its total assets in equity and equity related instruments whilst a minimum of 3% should be invested in Government securities. The assets are allocated by the fund manager managing the portfolio based on the scheme’s nature and its investment objective. Investors who invest in the Quantitative Equity fund are allotted units in quantum with the sum invested and as per the scheme’s current NAV (Net Asset Value).

When you have a very high-risk appetite and a long-term investment horizon, then you may consider investing in equity funds. Having a long-term investment horizon might allow the equity fund to tackle market fluctuations and deliver. If you are looking for a Unit trust fund scheme that predominantly invest in equity, you may consider investing in equity funds.

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