Issue opening on the 24th March 2021
Instructions for completing the Digital Application Form
- Digital Application Forms can only be submitted by Individual Resident Investors. This option is not permitted for Individual Resident Investors applying through Margin Trading Accounts, Group Employees and Directors, Companies, Corporations and other Corporate Bodies and Unit Trusts.
- Submission of this Digital Application Form is not restricted to applicants with CDS Accounts through Capital Alliance Securities (Pvt) Ltd.
- Ensure that you enter the correct CDS Account Number.
- CDS Account Number shall be in the following format:
- Old CDS Account Number (e.g.: CAS-123456789-VN-00):
- First 3 alphabets (e.g.: CAS)
- 9 numerals (e.g.: 123456789) – If your account number is not sufficient to fill in the mandatory number of boxes, lead with zeroes
- 2 alphabets (e.g.: VN)
- 2 numerals (e.g.: 00-99)
- New CDS Account Number (e.g.: CAS-12345-LI-00):
- First 3 alphabets (e.g.: CAS)
- 5 numerals (e.g.: 12345) – If your account number is not sufficient to fill in the mandatory number of boxes, lead with zeroes
- 2 alphabets (e.g.: LI)
- 2 numerals (e.g.: 00-99)
- Old CDS Account Number (e.g.: CAS-123456789-VN-00):
- CDS Account Number shall be in the following format:
- Ensure you enter a valid bank account number, in the event a refund has to be made.
- Bank account number should be in the following format:
- Bank code – 4 digits (ex: 1234)
- Branch code – 3 digits (ex: 001/999)
- Account number – If your account number is not sufficient to fill in the mandatory number of boxes lead with zeroes
- Bank account number should be in the following format:
- Ensure that there is no difference between the value of the shares applied for in the Digital Application Form and the payment confirmation attached. (The value of shares applied for can be calculated by multiplying the number of shares applied for by the Issue Price of LKR 16 per share)
- Ensure that you apply for shares in multiples of 100
- The accepted mode of payment for online applications are RTGS transfers and fund transfers only
- All transfers must be made to the following account
- Account name: WindForce Limited–IPO
- Bank: Seylan Bank PLC
- Branch: Millennium Branch
- Account number
- SLIP transfers
- Branch code: 0869
- Account number: 13250489001
- CEFT/RTGS transfers: 0869-13250489-001
- SLIP transfers
- All transfers must be made to the following account
- Please press the Tab key on the keyboard to toggle between the boxes
- Once a duly completed application form is submitted along with the payment confirmation you will receive an e-mail with your completed application and the payment confirmation you attached. Forward this e-mail to with your CDS number as the subject of the e-mail