This is our low-risk fund. It invests in a combination of Investment Grade rated Government securities & Corporate debt. It’s a slightly lower return but increased safety as it has a restriction for securities to be only investment grade quality and above. Additionally, it’s a larger fund and we can offer you liquidity within a short period of time, without any penalties.

This Fund is suitable for Investors who:

  • requires liquidity
  • are conservative and seek capital preservation
  • seek reasonable returns that commensurate with the risks that the fund is permitted to take
.%* 30 Days Annualized Yield as at ()

Past performance is not an indication of future performance. Investors are advised to read and understand the contents of the explanatory memorandum before investing. The annualized return is variable and subject to change. The fund is licensed by the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC).

If you invested Rs 1,000,000 in (30 days ago) you would have earned Rs
Fees charged to the Fund
Management Fee 0.75% of the NAV
Custodian Fee 20,000 per month plus the applicable Government tax
Trustee Fee 0.13% of the NAV plus the applicable Government tax
Exit Fee There is no exit fee.

Key risks of the fund

Investment in units is not a cash deposit and is not under the protection of the Deposit Insurance Scheme. Therefore, there is risk that investors may not receive the entire investment amount.
Eg: Default by issuers of the securities in the case that the issuer cannot pay the principal and interest as specified